

In pursuit of the 澳门赌场在线娱乐 mission, the charge of the APC is to serve three 功能:

  1. To monitor and advise on the shape of the university’s academic portfolio in the context of the university’s strategic plan; and ensure that new programs are consistent with the university’s Mission, Vision and Values as articulated.
  2. To advise on the academic and fiscal feasibility of new programs and/or significant existing program changes within the context of the university academic program portfolio mix; and
  3. To communicate throughout the university and coordinate academic program portfolio changes by defining, developing, and communicating procedures and criteria for proposals for significant new program additions or changes.



The 入学s and 金融援助 (AFA) Committee is tasked to 审查 and recommend changes in the rules and standards related to admissions, financial aid, scholarships, and faculty participation in admissions activities for all undergraduate programs. The committee is comprised of six full-time faculty members that serve from September 至五月,每月开会一次. 委员会向全体教员汇报工作.



The 课程委员会 receives and evaluates all curriculum proposals for undergraduate, graduate, and certificate programs with credit-bearing courses as discussed in the 教师手册. The Committee transmits recommendations to the full faculty for action to include, reject, amend, or approve at monthly faculty meetings during the 学年.



The 通识教育委员会 is charged with 审查ing all core courses and recommending 对全体教员的核心变更.



The 图书馆委员会 provides advice, support, and acts as a liason for faculty, departments, and the University Librarian on matters of the role of the 图书馆 in academic learning, budgeting, collection development, bibliographic instruction, automation, 流通和参考服务. 学术部门有责任 他们收藏的质量.


Teacher Recognition and Effectiveness Committee (TREC)

Each year, the teaching recognition and effectiveness committee (TREC) oversees awards announced to the faculty and staff at the annual TREC Awards Ceremony. 加入我们 our efforts to recognize excellence and professionalism at 澳门赌场在线娱乐 by making 一个奖项的提名.  Each fall, awards are presented to the previous 年度获奖名单. TREC notifies award winners by letter through campus mail by 6月30日 每学年的.

View Teacher recognition and Effectiveness Committee Page


The Environmental Health and Safety Committee reports, monitors or consults on the 后:

  • Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan and Policy
  • 危害沟通计划
  • 实验室安全升级
  • 一般实验室安全手册
  • 化学废物标签
  • 化学卫生计划模板
  • 化学品清单模板
  • 化工SOP模板
  • 通用SOP模板
  • 受伤事故报告
  • 化学废物管理实务
  • 化学废物收集时间表
  • Instructor Safety Requirements for Science Laboratories and Art Studios
  • After Hours Access Policy for Art Studios and Science Laboratories



The Mission of the 院校检讨委员会 (IRB) for the Protection of Human Subjects 在研究中是三重的.

  • First, to protect the rights and welfare of human research 主题 through project 审查.
  • Second, to foster compliance with institutional policy and federal regulations by facilitating institutional personnel’s efforts in utilizing living human 主题 for research, education and other scholarly pursuits that are systematically designed and endeavoring to contribute to knowledge in the respective field.
  • Third, to provide education to institutional personnel on the ethical use of human 主题.



The charge and functions of the 大学评核委员会 are as follows:

  1. Support, promote, coordinate, and otherwise facilitate assessment activities and best practices to advance institutional effectiveness and student learning across the University;
  2.  Ensure that goals and objectives developed by University programs or units are in alignment with the mission and are used for continuous improvement; and
  3.  Communicate relevant information about assessment activity to all constituencies 澳门赌场在线娱乐.



The Mentoring Resources Committee serves an important role in the university by helping to identify and support mentoring opportunities that distinguish Wilkes as an exceptional 学习社区. The committee is charged with 审查ing applications for mentoring funds and awarding funds for student travel 奖助金 and university-wide project fund 奖助金.



The 大学教职员谘询委员会 (USAC) is charged with strengthening the Wilkes community by enhancing the channels of communication and serving as a liaison between 工作人员和行政人员.  The committee will represent all levels of staff, and consists of both volunteers and appointed representatives.   委员会的宗旨 is to focus on issues affecting the overall staff community, not individual members. USAC will also work collaboratively with the Faculty Affairs Council (FAC) on issues 共同关心的.
